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Posts posted by shukydoohicks

  1. middle schoolers may wrestle up for highschool.  Once they have wrestled one match they are locked into that highschool or loose a yr of eligibility for transfer the way I understand it if they go elsewhere.  Now I have been wrong plenty in the past but that is the way it was explained to me by a fellow who had been around the mat twice the amount of time as myself coaching and usually points things out to the refs that they forget...even if it doesnt benefit his team.  maybe ranger knows.

  2. Coach Fulk you were a good guy I dont care what everyone says about ya behind your back.  :-D, Seriously as your rival for a few years at south you were a good guy to work with and against.  Learned some things from ya and you were always helpful.  Good luck

    Dan Wilkerson

    Past South Oldham Coach



    and anywhere else you can name it seems

  3. Great award coach, hopefully you have a few more working their way up the ranks to achieve that award in a few years.  Every wrestler could learn a little from Zach....hard work dedication sportsman, true leader.  Hope we have 30 more like him in the seasons to come.  Congrats Zack.  By the way hit them weights and see whats possible.  I could see ya wrestling 215 at that height.  6 1 1/2 is an understatement.  More like 6 -3

    Coach Wilkerson

  4. This is just a tough situation all around.  Sounds like there have been some good suggestions made.  I think this is why these forums are so usefull because people can make suggestions and if it is a good one then the higher ups could use it or if not the best idea then scrap it.  Point being this continue to voice your ideas and eventually we can all come up with an action plan.  Good luck. :|

  5. Goodness someone takes themselves or this thread a bit too far.  Ya want to see a hood try LA.  People wouldnt even claim to be what they think is hood if they had ever truly been part of one.  This is KY.  Never heard anyone say man you know those thugs out in Kentucky dont play.  Nah there gettin laughed at as they probably should.  Grow up get serious,  Dawg money loc

    PS if this offends you then you are the pretender Im talkin about.

  6. The middle school Horsepower will be Dec 12th @ Moore Traditional and still needs one team due to a late drop out.  Anyone interested contact coach Wilkerson.  It will be dual pool format.  12 teams total.  I have a flier if you are interested, just contact me through email. :-o


  7. I dont know about king but originator of the thing must count for something.  The thing may not exist had thomas not created it in the first place.  I would think they would get first choice at this then if they did not want it then I could see moving it.