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Posts posted by stanmms

  1. In the beginning that was one of the reasons we discussed having the elementary state move from region to region.  A rural team hosting the state could make enough money to run their youth form for years.   In addition, having the 6 regional tournaments on different weekends and using them for seeding the elementary state would increase the number of youth in all regional tournaments and increase gate for all.  Also allow the regional tournaments becoming somewhat of a youth season in the process. 

    I was told by your head coach the amount you made the  year you hosted and I know it's way more than any other team has ever come close to making.  Enough to fund a team for several years.


    I don't understand how much is needed to run a youth program.  In our club the kids paid their own entry fees for every tournament except our own.  We didn't charge gate fees but of course had a concession stand.  Each kid was also required to pay a club fee of about $50.00 that covered coach's insurance(before USA Wrestling became involved), helped buy singlets and also covered expenses for kids who couldn't pay.  We did not receive a dime from the school system, we raised all of our money by hosting tournaments and picking up trash on the roadways.  It is very hard  and takes a lot of time and patience to get parents on board but it is done in every program around the state if they want to have Youth teams.

  2. Let me be frank.  The middle school association has done a fine job overall in my assessment. I give it a grand of B+ to A-.    The only concerns I have are related to cost, regarding the AAU cards and hosting events (district) (450.00 dollars).  Requiring the middle teams to have a 2nd, secondary insurance is close to the definition of insanity. (Extreme foolishness or an act that demonstrates such foolishness)  District 8 this year had about 80 wrestlers. You tell me how does a school make a profit with that kind of number with the cost of the event and officials?   Bottom line this is a rural / urban issues with the rural being somewhat disenfranchised. 


    On the subject of making personal phone call I agree with youth that is should not take a personal phone call to get participation.  However, I do believe participation could be greatly increase by the use of the internet and affect network system.  If any association is not getting the feedback it needs I would thing the place to begin would be to verify the network system. Here is where I think personal phone calls need to be made to update the network. 


    However, the elementary association I feel had been use for individual gain (team benefit) and has may concerns.  That was the direction of my comments. 


    I do want to thank you for the job you did at the MS State Tournament and with all the hard work you put in to the ranking. “ I would bet you make personal calls to get that information.”  Just have some fun. Thanks

    When the Youth Assoc. was started I emailed every High School coach in the state asking for the names and #'s of their youth coach.  NOT ONE coach returned an email. 


    Before the 1st Youth state tourney I had gathered a list of youth coaches from every person I could find.  Those that I had not heard from I personally called to make sure they had the info needed to sign up.  I recall only talking to 2 or 3 of all the coaches I called. 


    Ranger is right, we shouldn't have to spend all our spare hours informing the uninformed when they have every available resource they need at their disposal.

  3. Ranger,  I have sent into this forum on several occasions the bylaws from the Youth organization which were also passed along to Kyle Goldsmith but they are MIA.  Can you resurrect them and respost?


    Mlee is exactly right, as Youth parents move to Middle the same issues are rehatched that were dealt with years ago.  The biggest mistake I made when writing the bylaws was having a new President every two years, too short in my opinion now to bridge the gap of parent/coaches moving from one level to the next.


    Ranger help the Youth coaches out here and find those bylaws.

    I think it comes down to the goal of the event. I think the focus today is growth and numbers. In this case I like the current approach. Yes we hold out a handful of kids but allow many others a better chance at success and taking home a medal. If competition becomes part of the goal then let them make their choice.

    The focus from day one was always growth and numbers,  nothing new there.  The growth of middle school wrestling obviously stems from youth wrestling.

  4. So, you don't think some of the better teams decide to be no shows so they don't see a competitor until state?  Or is getting hurt, don't like the long drive, spend the gas money just excuses for again dodging an opponent.


    Qualifying for state duals should be considered an honor and an honor worth fulfilling.  I would think a team not showing up should be banned the following year from being able to attend.  If not then it's just another tournament.

  5. Not to beat a dead horse, but.

    wouldn't it be easier to look at one or two brackets that you would need to break up more than to have a whole tournament that you have to look at and seperate. Just make the maximum number of kids in a bracket. You can then look to break it down into more age groups.

    Example: If you have a wt. class 4-6, 55 lbs. Ther are 40 kids in the bracket. Make a 4 year old bracket, a 5 year old bracket and a 6 year old bracket. Or whatever you need to do to break up those extrememly large brackets. I'm definately not the smartest one on here but it seems easier to just have to "work out" a couple of brackets, than having to "work out" the whole tourney.

    Don't ger me wrong I'm still not a fan of scoring, but I'm not gonna win that arguement on this site. So I'll move on and try to work with what the majority believes and try to improve on that.

    Yes I mostly enjoy the high school kids, but the youth kids become high school kids at some point so I have an interest in all levels.

    And my selfish reason is that some day I hope to have Grand-Goo's who wrestle and I want the set up to be the best it can be when they start.

    But then little goo wouldn't be the true state champ of 65lbs. :rolleyes:

  6. Got it. I am actually not all that passionate about this issue. I have my opinion and expressed it both at the meeting and here. Not a big fan of small school big school. But as I have said let's create age/weight brackets and score away.

    You do realize that having rigid/set age/weight brackets some brackets could have over 64 kids? Pretty dificult to wrestle a 64 man bracket in 3 hours.

  7. Couldn't agree more with the individual part on a personal level. But, the kids I've coached in Youth and then Middle tell me they like Middle School Wrestling better because they feel like they are part of a team. The only time youth kids get this is at Regions and State. Take away team scoring and we take away the "Team" aspect which is important also.

  8. Stan Martin here. I've been out of Youth for a few years but had a great deal to do with getting our State Association started. I'm hearing in this forum a lot of misconceptions we fought thru in the formation of the association. Maybe, I can help clear them up.

    - Weight classes, there are true weight classes at all youth events. They are grouped from the lowest weight to the highest, 8 kids at a time unless there is a greater than 10% difference from the lowest weight. We tried having set weight classes in the 1st couple state tourneys, USA Wrestling weights. Over 50% of the brackets had less than 4 kids making the tournament have over 120 brackets. The 10% rule dropped the brackets to 87 with 79 full brackets. So, do you want to be the state champ of a 4 man or 8 man bracket? Why do you care if it is a published bracket or a floating one? Are we here to wrestle or win a PRE-DETERMINED weight class.

    - Team Scores. Have we turned into soccer moms or a Socialist country. Funny that every team that has hosted the Youth State Tourney also had the most kids ever on their team that year. It couldn't be they were trying to win, nah too obvious. The kids do get a charge out of winning team titles. If not, why are some proposing dual tournaments. Isn't scorekeeping going to take place?

    -Bylaws. Last time I checked there was a Bylaw prohibiting rule changes from taking place in the same year. This means even if the team score rule is voted down it cannot take place until the following season. I mean, unless there was an Obamaesque executive order abolishing that bylaw.

    -This is a developmental league. That means getting as many kids involved as possible. NKY teams have done an exceptional job of this. Opinion....competition has definitely contributed to 4 of the largest teams in the state all being from the same region. Look what's it done. 8 Middle School finalist from Raider Youth this year and without counting a great deal more from NKY also.

    -Numbers. Every sport is a numbers game. The more bodies, the more competition, the better the athletes become. This is undeniable. The smaller teams need to be asking the larger teams how to make it happen. It's easy to grow your program if you are willing to put in the time and do basic recruiting at peewee football, baseball, soccer and mainly in your school.

    Success breeds success. When our kids started wearing State Championship shirts around school the other kids came out of the woodwork to join. Having a successful program is the best recruiting tool. ASK JEFF JORDAN.

    Last. How about some team scoring suggestions. We floated the idea of small school and big school scores, set number of scorers or leave it alone altogether. I don't believe that getting rid of keeping scores is the right direction.

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  9. Attendance at the State tournament increased dramatically the 1st year Youth State was held in Frankfort. When you have nearly 1000 kids coming for Youth State it only stands to reason some of those will come Sat. night to watch the High School Tournament. Mom, Dad, and a couple little ones x a couple hundred families adds up to real numbers.

    And yes you are seeing much better wrestling at all levels with kids starting at such a young age. Youth and Middle school coaches need to keep up the good work. We are seeing the results.

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  10. Very well ran tournament. One of the very few Middle School events I've been to that ran on time.

    Appreciate the comments from Pin and Win, Michael looked good this weekend but we have a long way to go. Not to mention a stacked with talent weight class with Sheffer, Wells, Fallon, Jacobs, Kraseig, Wise and Chaffee plus some were not aware of.

  11. Congrats to the Raider Youth.  Dominating performance once again.

    Excellent job running the tournament.  My hats off to all the volunteers from around the state pulling together for the best tournament yet.  It's awesome to see so many teams lending a hand with tableworkers, scorekeepers, security and whatever else was needed. 

    Great job to all!

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