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You havn't been around long enough to have a wisdom belly, youngen...

I've been around the block, slick. I may not be old but you grow up pretty quick on the mean street of F-Town if ya feel what i'm screamin'.  :-D I may have the goofy sense of humor of a young guy but I got so many insights that the hoes be callin' me for cable. Dig it?


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You do have a quick wit about you.  that's about all I'll give a guy that would try to inside trip someone 20 lbs heavier. lol

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You do have a quick wit about you.  that's about all I'll give a guy that would try to inside trip someone 20 lbs heavier. lol

Being out of shape and out weighed makes you desperate. He just lucky I didn't have a sixer of Natty Ice in me. The Redneck [not the capitalization] in me would'a came out trailor park style. I'm a double-wide bada$$, son.

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