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KWOA Spring Classic

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The spring wrestling season has now officialy begun.  Just a reminder to all wrestlers, coaches, and parents about the 4th Annual KWOA Spring Classic, held on March 8 at Central Hardin.  We have grown this event every year and are looking forward to a great turnout this year.  All ages are eligible to compete and there were be a women's tournament added to this event.  Please spread the word about our tournament.


I have attached the flyer for this event.  Any club who is interested in hosting a remote weigh-in site should contact me.  Pre-registration will take place on Trackwrestling and is strongly encouraged.  The link for pre-registration is listed below:


Please contact me with any questions.



Garrett Pikul

Tournament Director




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Pre-registration has begun.  Please remember that it will only cost $15 if you pre-register before Saturday March 8.  It will cost $25 for on-site registration the morning of the tournament.  Several clubs has contacted me about hosting remote weigh-in sites.  The following dates, times, & locations are scheduled:


Thursday March 6:

Meade County HS Wrestling Room (5:00-5:30)


Scott County HS Wrestling Room (6:00)


New Albany HS (IN) Wrestling Room (6:30-7:30)

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Please do not forget about this post-seaon opportunity.  Many wrestlers have expressed interest.  Pre-register today to recieve the discounted rate.  Otherwise, each wrestler will pay $25 to register the morning of the tournament.

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Please do not forget about this post-seaon opportunity.  Many wrestlers have expressed interest.  Pre-register today to recieve the discounted rate.  Otherwise, each wrestler will pay $25 to register the morning of the tournament.

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Coaches and Wrestlers,

Below is an update to the flyer in reference to membership price

ALL WRESTLERS MUST HAVE A USA WRESTLING CARD IN ORDER TO PARTICPATE. USA Wrestling cards will be sold on site the morning of the tournament from 7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. Cards can be purchased for $15.00 the morning of the tournament. Wrestlers who purchased League Cards for the 2013-2014 Kentucky Elementary & Middle School season will also be able to participate in all Folkstyle spring / summer Tournaments. USA Wrestling Cards can also be purchased online at for Limited Folkstyle ($15) or full competition (National) in all states is $40.00.All wrestlers must have USAW wrestling card with card #.

* All wrestlers must check in, present their current USA Wrestling Card, and pay their entry fee prior to the conclusion of weigh-ins the morning of the tournament.

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Thanks Keith.  I have made this correction to the flyer.


Also, new remote-weigh-in sites:

Thursday March 6:


Nelson County HS (6:00)

North Hardin HS (7:00)

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Just a reminder to all parents, wrestlers, and coaches, all wrestlers must be on site at least 1 hour prior to the schedule start time for each age dvision.  Wrestlers who have not pre-registered or who did not weigh-in at a remote weigh-in site will need to be present during the designated weigh-in times.  Start times are as follows:


10:00 a.m.: Pee-wee-Novice & Women

12:00 p.m.: Schoolboys

1:30 p.m.: Cadets-University


Weigh-In Times are as follows:

7:00-7:30: Pee-wee-Schoolboy & Women

10:00-10:30: Cadets-University


Wrestlers will check either at the remote weigh-in tables or the pre-registration tables and pay their entry fees. 

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        I sent you a private message about remote weigh-ins and hosting one up here in NKY please let me know if this is possible for Friday evening.

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