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KY Freestyle, Greco, Sombo, & Folkstyle State Tournament-April 13

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The Kentucky Freestyle, Greco, Sombo, & Folkstyle State Tournament will be held on April 13 at Fern Creek High School in Louisville.  The flyer for this event is attached. 


Due to a schedule change in this event, please make note of the following:



If a wrestler comes to weigh-in Saturday morning, he or she will not be able to wrestle.


Remote weigh-ins are being encouraged this year.  All remote weigh-in sites with date, time & location will be posted on this site.  The only on-site weigh-in will be on Friday April 12 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. at Fern Creek.

Freestyle, Greco, Folkstyle, & Sombo State 2013.docx

Freestyle, Greco, Folkstyle, & Sombo State 2013.pdf

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Coaches & Wrestlers,

Please do not forget about this event.  It's a great opportunity for wrestlers to gain valuable mat time in all 3 main styles (Freestyle, Greco, & Folkstyle).  I know many wrestlers have expressed interest in wrestling other styles, This is your opportunity.  Any club or team wanting to host a remote needs to contact me ASAP so it can be published.  Rember NO MORNING WEIGH-INS.


Garrett Pikul

Tournament Director

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Remote Weigh-In:

April 11 6:00 p.m. Campbellsville University


We are looking forward to be a good turnout.  We will be using Trackwrestling to run this tournament.


Please contact Garrett Pikul ( with any questions

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New Remote Weigh-Ins:

Thursday 04/11: Danville HS 5:30-7:00

Wednesday 04/10: Punishment Academy (Milton, KY/Madison, IN area) 6:00-8:00

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Please don't pass this tournament up.  Great opportunity to get mat time in in four different styles (Freestyle, Greco, Folkstyle, and Sombo).  Remember that there will be NO WEIGH-INS SATURDAY MORNING.  Wrestlers may weigh-in at a remote weigh-in site or on-site at Fern Creek from 5:00-7:30 on Friday April 12.  If any team is interested in hosting a remote weigh-in, please contact Garrett Pikul at  If anyone has questions, please contact me as well.


Garrett Pikul

Tournament Director

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Updates: Campbell County will be hosting a remote weigh-in for all wrestlers in Northern KY.  I'll post the date and time when it becomes available.  Sombo Joe will be hosting remotes in 2 locations on Friday April 12 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.:

1. Hebron at 3140 Limaburg Road 41048

2. Price Hill at 4430 West 8th Street 45238.


Wrestlers & coaches, this is a great opportunity for wrestlers to get plenty of mat time in a variety of different styles.


The only on site weigh-in will be this Friday April 12 @ Fern Creek HS from 5:00-7:30.  THERE WILL BE NO MORNING WEIGH-INS ON SATURDAY


There will be a Greco clinic at 8:00 a.m. & a Sombo clinic at 8:15 a.m. for all wrestlers & coaches with both styles beginning at 8:30.

There will be a freestyle clinic at 9:45 a.m. for all wrestlers & coaches as well.


Please note the start times:

Session 1:              8:30 am to conclusion: Greco-Roman & Sombo (All age divisions)

Session 2:              10:00 am to conclusion Pee-Wee-Novice Folkstyle /Schoolboy-Open Freestyle

Session 3:              1:30 pm to conclusion Pee-Wee-Novice Freestyle/Schoolboy-Open Folkstyle


Contact Garrett Pikul with any questions. (

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Remote Weigh-In Updates:

Thursday April 11:

St. X HS: 5:30-7:00

Campbell County HS: 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Jeffersontown HS: 3:00-4:00

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Coaches & Wrestlers,

Please do not forget about this event.  It's a great opportunity for wrestlers to gain valuable mat time in all 3 main styles (Freestyle, Greco, & Folkstyle).  I know many wrestlers have expressed interest in wrestling other styles, This is your opportunity. 


There will be a final on-site weigh-in tonight (04/12) from 5:00-7:30 p.m. at Fern Creek.  Remember NO MORNING WEIGH-INS ON SATURDAY.


Also, all wrestlers need to show up, turn in their registration form, and pay their entry fees 1 hour prior to the scheduled start time for their session.  If you are wrestling in Session #1, be there at 7:30, Session # 2 at 9:00, and Session # 3 at 12:00.  All wrestlers hwo are coming just for Session #  need to be there by 12:00 p.m.  WE MAY BE STARTING WRESTLING FOR SESSION # 3 AT 12:30 INSTEAD OF 1:30


Please contact me with any questions (


Garrett Pikul

Tournament Director

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On Saturday, KY USA Wrestling would like to take a group picture with all contestants to show our support to " Save Olympic Wrestling" . There will be a banner available for use showing Kentucky's support. If you would like to make your own banner to display for the picture taking. Please do. The more support the better. See you Saturday!!

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Much thanks to all wrestlers who attended.  Our turnout was not bad but we are hoping to build this event and have a bigger turnout.  Manys wrestlers came out & wrestled different styles and enjoyed it.  Plans are already in the works on improving this tournament for next year.

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