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Anyone else having trouble determining how they came up with MS seeding? I looked under information in Track and that seeding criteria doesn't seem to match how wrestlers were actually seeded. I see kids with .67 winning percentages getting top 10 seeds when they met no other criteria. Anyone else struggling to see why their wrestlers got the seeding they did?

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They only seed the top 6 (the six regional champs).

There was criteria outlined at the beginning of the seed meeting (been the same the last few years) that determine seeding.

1). Current year head to head.

2).  Returning MS State Placer

3).  Returning State Qualifier (previous year region placement taken into account - ex: last year region champ > last year runner-up).

If no criteria mentioned above is a factor then you start taking into account common opponents, record, tourney placements, etc.


Hope this helps. 

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Thanks for the feedback. I have just been getting a lot of questions from parents around seeding for kids who were not regional champs. I get that the top 6 goes to them. But then I see kids with mediocre records who have not met any of the other criteria ahead of kids with far better winning percentages which is actually listed as a seeding criteria in Track.

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Thanks for taking the time to clarify and respond. I don't want to over simplify but if you aren't a top 6 seed, placement is basically random unless you meet one of the other criteria it appears. I haven't seen many returning state placers/qualifiers that didn't win their region. A few, but not many. Just feels like true seeding could have actually been done following all of the criteria including winning percentage just like Track says is the way it will happen. I just always prefer objective rankings versus subjective rankings. Either way, you still just have to line up and beat the kid across from you.

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State is a qualifying tournament, therefore the region champs are seeded. The other entries are not seeded but follow the bracket format and are placed dependent on their region finish, just like high school. No wrestler is randomly placed in the bracket. It is based off of their region placement. Outside of the region champs, every other wrestler's track "seed" is not actually a seed, but their placement in the bracket. For example, top of 11 or bottom of 12.

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OK, this seems to confirm that outside of the top 6, everyone else is randomly placed within the 6 spots of their region finish. So there is no rhyme or reason as to why a second place finisher is 7th or 12th. It's just their "placement" in the bracket.

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