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About FCfalconwrestling

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  1. FCfalconwrestling


    Admin can we get it deleted today... My goodness. Thanks Mathound
  2. FCfalconwrestling

    The flu

  3. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals

    State duals at that large of a venue running 4 different divisions was a first. The association spent a LOT of time and effort to put on the best event possible. Was there things that went wrong yes... For example, putting two black mats together and I having to go half way across the state to return a piece. A later start time because a team was late for weigh ins to just name a few. We as an association will continue to grow the event and the first step was having a unified venue for all 4 divisions.
  4. FCfalconwrestling

    Does anyone know of any new programs starting next year?

    Logan county
  5. FCfalconwrestling

    State duals criteria alternative

    How about type it up and send it as a proposal to the KYWCA board? That would make more sense then posting it here to try to bash the event we are trying to put together. The criteria is broken (every one agrees it is) the seeding is done. We will put together a few proposals to vote on this spring. Good luck to you tomorrow!
  6. FCfalconwrestling

    How about a “new school” state tourney?

    Montgomery Co, Letcher, Nelson co, spencer co are not new.
  7. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals

    2. 3rd place is alternate.
  8. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals

  9. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals

  10. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals Flyer

    Please email section results to coachshingler@gmail.com Thanks! KYWCA State Duals 2025.docx
  11. FCfalconwrestling

    Girls Rankings 1/10/2025

    Rankings done by committee. KYWCA Girls Rankings 1_9_25 - Sheet1.pdf
  12. FCfalconwrestling

    2025 State Duals

    My old screenname was locked out. So I created a new one. State Dual qualifiers: If you post, please put top 3 finishers in the event of a roll down. 1A: Section 1: Union/Fort Campbell/Caldwell Section 2: LaRue Co/Nelson Co Section 3: Western/Green Co (IN DUE TO RANDOM ROLL UP) Section 4: 1. Mason County/Lawrence County/East Carter Section 5: . McCreary Central/Bell County/Somerset Section 6: Martin County/Belfry 2A: Section 1: PT/Christian Co/Calloway Section 2: Moore/North Oldham/Fairdale Section 3: Franklin County/Anderson County/Taylor County Section 4: Harrison Co./Highlands/Scott Section 5: Boyle/Corbin/Wayne Section 6: Johnson Central/Boyd Co/Perry County Central 3A: Section 1: Henderson Co/McCracken Co/Apollo Section 2: Oldham Co/Central Hardin/Woodford Section 3: Meade County/Male high school/Fern creek Section 4: St.X/Trinity Section 5: Ryle/Simon Kenton/Conner Section 6: Madison Central/Henry Clay/Dunbar