Stephanie Snider

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About Stephanie Snider

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  1. Stephanie Snider

    Ranking #3 12.15.19

    I was just curious how many losses vs those lower and wins against those higher it takes to move around. When he’s had 1 lost in the last few weeks and starts dropping but the kids hes beating go up or dont move it looks weird lol thank you
  2. Stephanie Snider

    Ranking #3 12.15.19

    I was wondering if someone could tell me how this is calculated and if duels count or not, and if it just goes by whats on Track Profiles? In 240s Nicholas Snider dropped to 5th from 3rd after winning Bluegrass Nationals over the one who stayed at #2, and one of the tournaments early in the season at Taylor County didnt properly match up alot of kids to their track profiles for the matches there to show up, and some duels arent put up there at all. I’m just curious how it’s all combobulated.