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Posts posted by Carrwrestling

  1. The CWA is offering their last specialty clinic tomorrow from 10:00 a.m-3:00 p.m.  Our location is 1032 East New Circle Road Suite A.  Our building behind Central Motor Sports.  We will teaching throws, inside trips and much more! This will be a high pace intensive clinic.  Walk in welcome but you can register at 

  2. The CWA would like to make this camp opportunity available to as many wrestlers as possible.  Zeke only participates in two camps a year and we are privileged to have him come to Kentucky.  See the attachment below for updated information. This camp will cover folkstyle and freestyle wrestling.  You can register on our website at  

    CWA Summer Camp Flyer.pdf

  3. The CWA will hold it's first practice of the spring session tomorrow Wednesday March 5, 2014.  High school/middle school session begins at 7:00-8:30 p.m.  Our room has been competitive and we have had kids from more than 5 different counties come to classes. We have wrestlers that travel one hour and thirty minutes one way to come to class.  This is an exciting time in KY wrestling.  All wrestlers must have a USA wrestling card.  All you have to do is show up about 15 minutes before the session starts and to get registered. 


    The CWA also offers private lessons with our coaching staff.  The private lessons fill up quickly so let us know if you are interested.


     If you would like more information visit our website 


  4. CWA is excited to bring this opporunity for wrestlers to attend a clinic featuring Zeke Jones. The flyer and brochure are attached below.  This camp wil fill up quickly.  It is going to be open to wrestlers in Ohio, Tennessee, Pennslyvania, and Georgia (you get the picture).  There is a limited number of space ! If you have questions please contact (859)338-4534.

    CWA Summer Clinic Flyer.pdf

    CWA Summer Clinic Brochure.pdf

  5. December 23, 2013         Practice as scheduled 5:30-7p.m. for elementary school and 7-8:30 p.m. for        

                                                   middle/high school


    December 25, 2013          Merry Christmas


    December 29, 2013          No Open Mat / Anderson County Tournament


    December 30, 2013          Practice as scheduled


    January 1, 2014                Practice as scheduled


    January 5, 2014                Open Mat 5:30-7p.m.


    January 6, 2014                Practice as scheduled

  6. Camp For Champs 2 will be an elite intensive camp for the serious wrestler that wants to train at the highest level. The camp will be on Sept 21-22. There will be 3 sessions on Saturday and two on Sunday. Session times begin at 9,1,and 5 and 9 and 1 on Sunday. Limited spots available sign up soon.