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About momofstatechamp(youth)

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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. momofstatechamp(youth)

    May meeting

    Middle School is May 11....I believe. Mothers Day?? Usually they try to do it sameday/sameplace.
  2. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Cooper HS new program

    CONGRATS...............Barb Wolnitzek
  3. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Reid 171

    Maybe there is..........but......there should be some report on Khsaa/or School Site on coaches/schools who have kids get rides to colleges. Whether its sports,academics or whatever.........I would be very interested on the schools that are doing a great job getting our kids to the next level!
  4. momofstatechamp(youth)


    they go they just do not place..........its a meat grinder!
  5. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Opinions on Kentucky Youth State Tournament

    A positive thought.............that we had state last weekend and not this blizzard weekend!!
  6. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Opinions on Kentucky Youth State Tournament

    I know this started I think..........with the whole "I want a true champ" issue. But has anyone on here sat with a 5 yr who was in a 32 man bracket in ONE day? I have tournament of was brutal on him and me! He won his first.........lost his second.....won his third and the fun began. So if my son wins at 5 yrs old 1st along with 2 other group of kids in brackets so what!!!! When he is old enough.......he can sit at a three day event. Good luck to all the arguing adults..........over who is the "real champ".
  7. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Anyone going to WV?

    This weekend at Mountaineer Gaming Resort Youth/Middle School Nationals in WV.........anyone going?????
  8. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Official Results

    They were sent to regional reps today.
  9. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Opinions on Kentucky Youth State Tournament

    They had the brackets at the table. Our kids travel to CYW so they are used to sitting and staying at the table waiting there turn we did not have any trouble with that. We had one bracket not make it to any table but they fixed it when our coach realized. For me my biggest complaint would have to be all the open brackets. Then alot of brackets were not even 8 man brackets but still had A,B,C and half full? Overall we enjoyed our time at JC. I found that they did the best they could under the circumstances.
  10. momofstatechamp(youth)

    Opinions on Kentucky Youth State Tournament

    "Our county youth team had 110 members this season, with about 75 wrestling in the tournament" Wow Johnson County has 110 on one team? Or are you made up several teams in Johnson County?