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About Bernard

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/26/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florence Ky
  1. Bernard

    Region 6

  2. Bernard

    Cliff Keen

  3. Bernard

    Cliff Keen

    When will Kyle first face Metcalf? And who is ranked third at 149lbs?
  4. Bernard

    SWOCA Results?

    How did Ryle do saturday? I can't find it anywhere on here.
  5. Bernard

    Raider Rumble

    I heard something about Mark Hall being a bad dude. Why isn't he seeded?
  6. Bernard


    Is there two fees to become an official? It talks about a registration fee in bold red on the top and bottom of the page. In small print it talks about a licensing fee though so I'm not sure whether or not I'm suppose to pay both fees. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:
  7. Bernard

    2010 M.O.W.

    It's early, but let's make some predictions. Since I like the kid I want to give it to Ozbourne, but there are tons of tough contenders. What do you all think. And lets not say Fahy or Ervin because we're going after underdogs. :lol:
  8. Bernard

    Results of Nationals

    Alright Jake you better come an all-american :evil: :evil: or Mason might whoop on you! :-o Good luck to all who are attending!
  9. Bernard

    Wrestlers going to Nationals

    Zyrcle is legit fellas he has helped out a lot of northern kentucky guys and will be more than happy to help you out. I suggest if you are serious about this to sign up ASAP. :-D
  10. Bernard


    Alright there bud, first of all its a compliment. and get some game its not that hard to meet girls. 8-) 8-) 8-)
  11. Bernard


    Thomas just tell them you ate our 103 pounder. lol
  12. Bernard

    Who is going to nationals?

    I think Bradford is going I hope he whoops some butt. I might need to train him a little more in the weight room before he goes though. lol. I Hogben going?
  13. Bernard

    Most Physical Wrestlers

    Dang Zyrcle is someone who I hate wrestling. He uses constant pressure and Heavy Hands. I owe him a lot he really helped me on my feet. Jake Holbrook is also pretty physical. :evil: :evil:
  14. Bernard


    No offense to the ervins they produce great wrestlers, but the girls are what really impresses me. lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  15. Bernard

    Boone needs assistant coach

    thats a good point. Coach Sherlock should definately contact Brett Blackmore the help would be great