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About Henderson140

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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Henderson140

    henderson county back?

    I heard henderson county is making a return to region 1 wrestling.. was anyone aware of this? Who are the coaches?
  2. Henderson140

    Mitch Ervin vs. Harrison Courtney

    But Mitch went to Russia to train.
  3. Henderson140

    Region 1

    SO what happened with Judson Pitman? ranked 7th losing to a top 25 guy? So noone in the winners bracket at 145 after the first round? Glad to see good people 140 reppin region one!
  4. Henderson140

    Region 1

    All Jared had in his arsenal was mediocre leg wrestling at best... After that didnt work he got frustrated and broke down. The region looked very week this year. Is it just me or did anyone else think so too? Especially the 152 weightclass... wow.
  5. Henderson140

    Junie's Brother Robbie, in next Ultimate Fighter

    I thought the whole next season were supposed to showcase brits?
  6. Henderson140


    What exactly did Gray do? From what I remember last year at state. Gray was a good competitor at HWT.
  7. Henderson140

    funky wrestlers who do you think they are

    Ben Askren is most well known. I dont know if you meant in just KY or anywhere. I was quite unorthodox as well.
  8. Henderson140

    Bryce Alexander

    He is now ranked 2nd with pins over the 3rd and 4th ranked in state.
  9. Henderson140

    update Henderson wrestling

    This whole mess is depressing. Add henderson county to the list of schools that had wrestling perish at the hands of the dreaded title IX excuse.
  10. Henderson140

    Ky wrestler now Ultimate fighter

    That is really cool I'm glad I found out about this before the season. Now I know who to root for.
  11. Henderson140

    Bluegrass State Games Challenge

    Sounds good. Looks like I have a reason to get back in shape.
  12. Henderson140


    I have this on TAPE!! watched it several times. showed everyone. Very disgusting. halfway through the 3rd period, jake got a low single and d.c. wnet out of bounds and the ref called out. With d.c.'s other foot, he kicked jake HARD in the head. saw it the second time i watched the match. Then when D.C. lost he pushed Jake down, threw headgear down hard, pushed his coach away when told to calm down, then to just show D.C. doesn't care, he walked right through the middle of a match that was going on like he didnt care at all.
  13. Henderson140

    Union County Killed the regionals

    what? Heavyweight is the only weight they had that didnt make it to state I believe. Is that what you meant?
  14. Henderson140

    Union Co. Duals

    Who would Daviess county's guy be. I think you mean Apollo at 140.
  15. Henderson140

    Union Co. Duals

    A bunch of the people were refusing matches because they were already one up on the other guy and just scratched cuz they didnt want to ruin their seed. very dumb overall I only got 2 matches the entire day against people ive already beaten.