Coach G

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About Coach G

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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Coach G

    First Annual Youth State Wrestling Duals

    (Updated 12/8/09 Location) We will be hosting this event at the MCHS Arena!! 1st Annual Kentucky Youth State Duals (This is a USA Wrestling Sanctioned Event) Saturday, December 12th, 2009 Montgomery County High School ARENA!!! 724 Woodford Drive Mt Sterling, KY 40353-9799 email: Cc Cc Cc ENTRY FEE: $125 per team due on or before December 12th 2009 Make check out to Montgomery County Takedown Club. Mail to: Jerry Sutphin 1102 Iroquois Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 ELIGIBILITY: Any wrestler up to and including 6th grade. NO WEIGH INS: Wrestling will start at 10am. Doors open at 8am AWARDS: Trophies for Top 3 teams ADMISSIONS: Adults: $5 Children/Students (5-18): $3 Cooler Fee: $5 WEIGHTS: 40,45,50,55A,55B,60A,60B,65A,65B,70A,70B,75A,75B,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125, 130,135+ FORMAT: 16 team, double elimination tournament, three 60-sec. periods, 4 wrestling surfaces. Teams will be seeded based on how they finished in team points from the 2009 Youth State Tournament. If a top 16 team does not commit the 17th finisher is the next alternate and so on. Points: Standard dual meet scoring system, 6pts Fall, Forfeit, Default, DQ, 5pts Tech Fall, 4pts Major Decision, 3pts Decision Please let me know by email by December 9th 2009 if you plan on attending and submit your roster at that time. NO LATE COMMITMENTS!!! You must also present proof of USA Wrestling coverage by December 9th, 2009 (If you do not physically have a card I must have a list of names with coaches signature stating they do have USA Cards) CONTACT: Jimmy Griffey: Cell: 859-585-1968 Email: Cc Cc Cc
  2. Coach G

    2009 Elementary State Duals

    (Updated 12/8/09 Location) We will be hosting this event at the MCHS Arena!! 1st Annual Kentucky Youth State Duals (This is a USA Wrestling Sanctioned Event) Saturday, December 12th, 2009 Montgomery County High School ARENA!!! 724 Woodford Drive Mt Sterling, KY 40353-9799email: Cc Cc Cc ENTRY FEE: $125 per team due on or before December 12th 2009 Make check out to Montgomery County Takedown Club. Mail to: Jerry Sutphin 1102 Iroquois Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 ELIGIBILITY: Any wrestler up to and including 6th grade. NO WEIGH INS: Wrestling will start at 10am. Doors open at 8am AWARDS: Trophies for Top 3 teams ADMISSIONS: Adults: $5 Children/Students (5-18): $3 Cooler Fee: $5 WEIGHTS: 40,45,50,55A,55B,60A,60B,65A,65B,70A,70B,75A,75B,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125, 130,135+ FORMAT: 16 team, double elimination tournament, three 60-sec. periods, 4 wrestling surfaces. Teams will be seeded based on how they finished in team points from the 2009 Youth State Tournament. If a top 16 team does not commit the 17th finisher is the next alternate and so on. Points: Standard dual meet scoring system, 6pts Fall, Forfeit, Default, DQ, 5pts Tech Fall, 4pts Major Decision, 3pts Decision Please let me know by email by December 9th 2009 if you plan on attending and submit your roster at that time. NO LATE COMMITMENTS!!! You must also present proof of USA Wrestling coverage by December 9th, 2009 (If you do not physically have a card I must have a list of names with coaches signature stating they do have USA Cards) CONTACT: Jimmy Griffey: Cell: 859-585-1968 Email: Cc Cc Cc
  3. Where: Montgomery County High School Arena 724 Woodford Drive, Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353 When: Sunday December 20, 2009 Registration: All registrations will be through line up submission no later than Wednesday December 16, 2009. fax: Attn: Brandon Brewer (859) 497-8700 email: cc cc Questions please call (Coach Griffey) (859) 585-1968 or (Coach Osborne) (859) 398-0061 Awards: Top 4 places will be awarded medals in each age/weight division Top 3 finishing teams will be awarded trophies. Scoring (One team score per age/weight class) 1st Place: 4 team points 2nd Place: 3 team points 3rd Place: 2 team points 4th Place: 1 team point Schedule Wrestler Check In: 1pm Scratch Meeting: 1:30pm to 2:00pm Wrestling at 2:00pm Entry Fee: $10.00 per wrestler up to 10 wrestlers per team, $100 per team 10 or more. All lineups must be received no later than Wednesday; December 16th.There will be NO refunds and no bumping moving wrestlers the day of. If a wrestler does not show up he/she will become a forfeit in the bracket. Eligibility: All Wrestlers MUST be twelve years old and under as of January 1st 2009, currently attend school in Kentucky, and maintain physical residence in the state of Kentucky. Coaches/parents must bring a copy of most recent report card in case of eligibility challenges Tournament director reserves the right to decline registration for any wrestler. Send Registration and Entry Fee to: (Att: Jimmy Griffey) 141 Swiss Stone Way Mount Sterling, Kentucky, 40353 Make Checks Payable To: Montgomery County Take Down Club Admission: Adults--$3.00 Children--$1.00 Cooler Fee: $5.00 Weight Classes: USA Wrestling Weight Classes Novice (11-12): 60 pounds, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 140, and heavyweight (15 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 140) Intermediate (9-10): 50 pounds, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 87, 95, 103, 112, 120, heavyweight (13 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 120) Bantam (7-8): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (5-6): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (3-4): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) All heavyweights must weigh in. If the difference between the lightest and heaviest contestants exceeds the allowable difference for that age group, the wrestlers must be divided into groups meeting these limitations: Novice: Maximum difference 25 pounds. Intermediate: Maximum difference 20 pounds Bantam: Maximum difference 15 pounds. Event Directors should create weight classes for the heavy weights which allows for the maximum number of bouts per heavy weight class. For example: The first heavy weight class in Novice may be 152-167lbs. The first weight class does not have to be 165lb.
  4. Where: Montgomery County High School Arena 724 Woodford Drive, Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353 When: Sunday December 20, 2009 Registration: All registrations will be through line up submission no later than Wednesday December 16, 2009. fax: Attn: Brandon Brewer (859) 497-8700 email: cc cc Questions please call (Coach Griffey) (859) 585-1968 or (Coach Osborne) (859) 398-0061 Awards: Top 4 places will be awarded medals in each age/weight division Top 3 finishing teams will be awarded trophies. Scoring (One team score per age/weight class) 1st Place: 4 team points 2nd Place: 3 team points 3rd Place: 2 team points 4th Place: 1 team point Schedule Wrestler Check In: 1pm Scratch Meeting: 1:30pm to 2:00pm Wrestling at 2:00pm Entry Fee: $10.00 per wrestler up to 10 wrestlers per team, $100 per team 10 or more. All lineups must be received no later than Wednesday; December 16th.There will be NO refunds and no bumping moving wrestlers the day of. If a wrestler does not show up he/she will become a forfeit in the bracket. Eligibility: All Wrestlers MUST be twelve years old and under as of January 1st 2009, currently attend school in Kentucky, and maintain physical residence in the state of Kentucky. Coaches/parents must bring a copy of most recent report card in case of eligibility challenges Tournament director reserves the right to decline registration for any wrestler. Send Registration and Entry Fee to: (Att: Jimmy Griffey) 141 Swiss Stone Way Mount Sterling, Kentucky, 40353 Make Checks Payable To: Montgomery County Take Down Club Admission: Adults--$3.00 Children--$1.00 Cooler Fee: $5.00 Weight Classes: USA Wrestling Weight Classes Novice (11-12): 60 pounds, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 140, and heavyweight (15 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 140) Intermediate (9-10): 50 pounds, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 87, 95, 103, 112, 120, heavyweight (13 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 120) Bantam (7-8): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (5-6): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (3-4): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) All heavyweights must weigh in. If the difference between the lightest and heaviest contestants exceeds the allowable difference for that age group, the wrestlers must be divided into groups meeting these limitations: Novice: Maximum difference 25 pounds. Intermediate: Maximum difference 20 pounds Bantam: Maximum difference 15 pounds. Event Directors should create weight classes for the heavy weights which allows for the maximum number of bouts per heavy weight class. For example: The first heavy weight class in Novice may be 152-167lbs. The first weight class does not have to be 165lb.
  5. (UPDATED 12/05/2009) 1st Annual Kentucky Youth State Duals (This is a USA Wrestling Sanctioned Event) Saturday, December 12th, 2009 McNabb Middle School 3570 Indian Mound Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 email: Cc Cc Cc ENTRY FEE: $125 per team due on or before December 12th 2009 Make check out to Montgomery County Takedown Club. Mail to: Jerry Sutphin 1102 Iroquois Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 ELIGIBILITY: Any wrestler up to and including 6th grade (Per KY State Youth Association Age Requirements for 6th Graders). NO WEIGH INS: Wrestling will start approximately 9am. Doors open at 7:30am AWARDS: Trophies for Top 3 teams ADMISSIONS: Adults: $5 Children/Students (5-18): $3 Cooler Fee: $5 WEIGHTS: 40,45,50,55A,55B,60A,60B,65A,65B,70A,70B,75A,75B,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135+ FORMAT: 16 team, double elimination tournament, three 60-sec. periods, 4 wrestling surfaces. Teams will be seeded based on how they finished in team points from the 2009 Youth State Tournament. If a top 16 team does not commit the 17th finisher is the next alternate and so on. Points: Standard dual meet scoring system, 6pts for Fall, Forfeit, Default, DQ, 5pts for Tech Fall, 4pts for Major Decision, 3pts for Decision Please let me know by email by December 9th 2009 if you plan on attending and submit your roster at that time. NO LATE COMMITMENTS!!! You must also present proof of USA Wrestling coverage by December 9th, 2009 (If you do not physically have a card I must have a list of names with coaches signature stating they have purchased USA Cards) CONTACT: Jimmy Griffey: Cell: 859-585-1968 Email: Cc Cc Cc
  6. FOR THOSE OF YOU IN THE CENTRAL KENTUCKY LEAGUE WHO DONT KNOW THIS IS SUNDAY DECEMBER 20, 2009 (It was in the flyer header but didn't copy over to the original post) Thanks Coach Griffey
  7. Where: Montgomery County High School Arena 724 Woodford Drive, Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353 Registration: All registrations will be through line up submission no later than Wednesday December 16, 2009. fax: Attn: Brandon Brewer (859) 497-8700 email: cc cc Questions please call (Coach Griffey) (859) 585-1968 or (Coach Osborne) (859) 398-0061 Awards: Top 4 places will be awarded medals in each age/weight division Top 3 finishing teams will be awarded trophies. Scoring (One team score per age/weight class) 1st Place: 4 team points 2nd Place: 3 team points 3rd Place: 2 team points 4th Place: 1 team point Schedule Wrestler Check In: 1pm Scratch Meeting: 1:30pm to 2:00pm Wrestling at 2:00pm Entry Fee: $10.00 per wrestler up to 10 wrestlers per team, $100 per team 10 or more. All lineups must be received no later than Wednesday; December 16th.There will be NO refunds and no bumping moving wrestlers the day of. If a wrestler does not show up he/she will become a forfeit in the bracket. Eligibility: All Wrestlers MUST be twelve years old and under as of January 1st 2009, currently attend school in Kentucky, and maintain physical residence in the state of Kentucky. Coaches/parents must bring a copy of most recent report card in case of eligibility challenges Tournament director reserves the right to decline registration for any wrestler. Send Registration and Entry Fee to: (Att: Jimmy Griffey) 141 Swiss Stone Way Mount Sterling, Kentucky, 40353 Make Checks Payable To: Montgomery County Take Down Club Admission: Adults--$3.00 Children--$1.00 Cooler Fee: $5.00 Weight Classes: USA Wrestling Weight Classes Novice (11-12): 60 pounds, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 140, and heavyweight (15 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 140) Intermediate (9-10): 50 pounds, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 87, 95, 103, 112, 120, heavyweight (13 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 120) Bantam (7-8): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (5-6): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) Kids (3-4): 40 pounds, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, heavyweight (9 classes; heavyweights must weigh more than 75) All heavyweights must weigh in. If the difference between the lightest and heaviest contestants exceeds the allowable difference for that age group, the wrestlers must be divided into groups meeting these limitations: Novice: Maximum difference 25 pounds. Intermediate: Maximum difference 20 pounds Bantam: Maximum difference 15 pounds. Event Directors should create weight classes for the heavy weights which allows for the maximum number of bouts per heavy weight class. For example: The first heavy weight class in Novice may be 152-167lbs. The first weight class does not have to be 165lb.
  8. Coach G

    First Annual Youth State Wrestling Duals

    (UPDATED 12/05/2009) 1st Annual Kentucky Youth State Duals (This is a USA Wrestling Sanctioned Event) Saturday, December 12th, 2009 McNabb Middle School 3570 Indian Mound Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 email: Cc Cc Cc ENTRY FEE: $125 per team due on or before December 12th 2009 Make check out to Montgomery County Takedown Club. Mail to: Jerry Sutphin 1102 Iroquois Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 ELIGIBILITY: Any wrestler up to and including 6th grade (Per KY State Youth Association Age Requirements for 6th Graders). NO WEIGH INS: Wrestling will start approximately 9am. Doors open at 7:30am AWARDS: Trophies for Top 3 teams ADMISSIONS: Adults: $5 Children/Students (5-18): $3 Cooler Fee: $5 WEIGHTS: 40,45,50,55A,55B,60A,60B,65A,65B,70A,70B,75A,75B,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135+ FORMAT: 16 team, double elimination tournament, three 60-sec. periods, 4 wrestling surfaces. Teams will be seeded based on how they finished in team points from the 2009 Youth State Tournament. If a top 16 team does not commit the 17th finisher is the next alternate and so on. Points: Standard dual meet scoring system, 6pts for Fall, Forfeit, Default, DQ, 5pts for Tech Fall, 4pts for Major Decision, 3pts for Decision Please let me know by email by December 9th 2009 if you plan on attending and submit your roster at that time. NO LATE COMMITMENTS!!! You must also present proof of USA Wrestling coverage by December 9th, 2009 (If you do not physically have a card I must have a list of names with coaches signature stating they have purchased USA Cards) CONTACT: Jimmy Griffey: Cell: 859-585-1968 Email: Cc Cc Cc
  9. Will this be AAU, USA or no sanction?
  10. Coach G

    Other States...State Tournaments???

    Virginia is on the same schedule as Kentucky.
  11. Coach G

    2009 Elementary Region 4 Information

    Final Team Standings 2008-2009 Elementary Region 4 Wrestling Tournament Team Score TEAM SCORE 1st Montgomery Co 71 2nd Franklin Co 50 3rd Bourbon Co 49 4th Bluegrass Stallions (Fayette Co) 40 5th Woodford Co 29 6th Madison Co 19 7th Anderson Co 17
  12. Coach G


    This is not a KHSAA rule. The decision to allow schools to practice and hold athletic events during bad weather is made by the local school system.
  13. Coach G

    2009 Elementary Region 4 Information

    You can also download the flyer from the KYSWA website at . Thanks Montgomery County Wrestling
  14. Coach G

    2009 Elementary Region 4 Information

    We are having problems with the attachment function. Please email to (Coach Griffey) or (Coach Sutphin) and we will reply with the document attached.
  15. Region 4, Please see the attached document regarding information and registration for the up coming elementary region 4 tournament. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Best Regards Montgomery County Wrestling